So, you want to dance? You are so close to realizing your dream!
You are about to take your first, most important, steps by booking on this fun and easy course! These workshops are specifically geared towards the absolute beginner. The aim of the workshops are to offer a fun, relaxed atmosphere, while learning the basics of social dancing to the sounds of traditional and modern music.
With the most popular dances taught on our courses, under your belt, we hope to enable you to dance more confidently with your partner at any social function you attend.
Booking as a couple or a group is preferred. If you are single, there is a possibility that we might be able to help pair you with other single dancers if available. (If you are single, please contact us directly before booking). If two ladies or two gents are willing to partner each other, whoever dances the male steps at the start must continue dancing the male steps throughout the dance.
No special clothing is required, you can come as relaxed or as dressed up as you wish. Comfortable, supporting leather soled shoes are recommended as trainers may stick to the floor.
Venue – The Grey Lodge, 21 South George Street, Dundee, DD1 2QF
2025 Courses now available for booking!
***Please Note - New Format***
We are still offering 6 hours tuition
on Sunday evenings
over a three week period.
Beginners BALLROOM Starts Sunday 26th January 2025 5pm - 6.55pm
A 3 week course held on consecutive Sunday evenings, covering Waltz, Quickstep & 4 Beat Social.
£42 per person (per course)
(£6 discount per person, will be applied for existing customers booking any future courses.
Just let us know the date of which previous course you attended when re-booking)
Please book as early as possible as these courses usually fill quickly. SEE BELOW FOR BOOKING DETAILS
BEGINNER MODERN JIVE Starts Sun 26th January 2025 7pm - 8.55pm
A 3 week course held on consecutive Sunday evenings, covering Easy Modern Jive Routines
£42 per person (per course)
(£6 discount per person, will be applied for existing customers booking any future courses.
Just let us know the date of which previous course you attended when re-booking)
There are more than one Modern Jive Beginner Courses available for booking throughout the year numbered 1, 2 and 3 according to the different moves being taught.
The courses can be booked in any order you wish and will always include at least 2 or 3 of the standard, basic moves which shall be repeated on each course.
Please book as early as possible as these courses usually fill quickly. SEE BELOW FOR BOOKING DETAILS
Venue – The Grey Lodge, 21 South George Street, Dundee, DD1 2QF
How To Book
Advanced payment is required to confirm all bookings.
Phone or Email. Please enquire by email (elaine@dancedundee.com) or text/call (07878 179867) to make sure there are spaces left on the course you wish to attend before booking.
Please state the start date of the course and the male & female pupil names
Cash payments preferred (payable at any ZumbaDundee / PopLaRoc or Fitsteps Class or by arrangement)
Credit and debit cards now accepted either in person or over the phone.
Cheque & Bank Transfer payments also accepted
Cheques (will only be accepted if paid 7 days prior to course starting)
Bookings can only be confirmed once payment has been made
*The Workshop will run subject to numbers booked.*
*Dates and Venue may be subject to change if due to matters outwith our control.*
Any classes missed by anyone attending the course cannot be revisited at a later date.
Full attendance of the course is the sole responsibility of the couple attending.
Refunds will only be given if insufficient numbers are booked.